The Contraction of General Colleges College Students on PE Class Study Attitude 普通院校大学生对待体育课学习态度的研究
He came to my class every week, but his attitude suggested he was not really interested in the subject. 每周他都会来上我的课,但从他的态度中我知道他对这门课程并不是真的感兴趣。
I think they are the problems of the class stand of the writers and artists, their attitude, their audience, their work and their study. 我以为有这样一些问题,即文艺工作者的立场问题,态度问题,工作对象问题,工作问题和学习问题。
When they talk about class, Americans mean a loose consideration of background and attitude that is unrelated to wealth. 当美国人提及等级时,他们所想的是与财富无关的背景和观点。
Then there are the enlightened gentry who are the left-wing of the landlord class, that is, the section with a bourgeois colouration, whose political attitude is roughly the same as that of the middle bourgeoisie. 开明绅士是地主阶级的左翼,即一部分带有资产阶级色彩的地主,他们的政治态度同中等资产阶级大略相同。
According to the result, we attempt to bring forward some education advice, in order to mediate the regular class students 'negative attitude in primary school, and to bring forward a guidance on theory exploration and practice for prompt mentally retarded learning in regular class. 针对研究结果,作者又尝试提出教育建议,以求改变普小学生的消极态度,为进一步开展弱智生随班就读作理论上的探讨和实践上的指导。
Offender contain crime culture attitude, person of different social class contain different culture attitude about crime, and the ruler punishment crime contain special culture contents. 犯罪者有自己的犯罪文化,社会各阶层对于犯罪各有自己的文化态度,而统治者惩治犯罪也有特殊的文化内容。
The present paper looks back on the past 10 decades of the reflective value of the basic philosophical issues declining into the annotation of class struggle, and points out that the main reasons for such decline are the pragmatic attitude towards theory and the metaphysical way of thinking. 首先回顾了哲学基本问题固有的反思性价值逐渐降低为阶级斗争注脚下的百年历程,梳理出混淆阶级斗争和理论论争界限的实用主义理论态度,以及思想方法上的形而上学是个中主要因素;
The reason why many students are absent from class at present is not only due to their learning attitude, but also due to the teaching quality. 目前学生缺课多,原因不只在于他们的学习态度,与授课质量也有直接关系。
Teacher's views of mathematics influence on their behavior in mathematics class obviously. And students 'views of mathematics have a direct influence on their attitude to mathematics and the efficiency of their mathematics learning. 教师的数学观对于其如何进行教学有着十分重要的影响,学生的数学观直接影响到他们对数学的态度和学习数学的效率。
It creates an atmosphere which attracts the students 'attention to take part in the activities positively in English class, prompts their interest and makes them take a correct attitude towards English learning. 实验结果表明:1、合作式教学法能够创造吸引学生积极参与课堂教学活动的氛围,提高学生英语学习的兴趣、端正学生英语学习的态度;
Thirdly, investigating three class of grade two in junior middle school, finding out the students 'companion relationship conditions of every class, and finding out their attitude to formal and informal group. 对初中二年级三个班的学生作了问卷调查。了解每个班学生的同伴关系情况,以及他们对正式群体和非正式群体的态度。
This paper gives some ideas about art in preparing lessons, guiding class, adopting teaching attitude, taking adjustment and ending class. 备课艺术、导课艺术、教态艺术、应变艺术及结课艺术方面来谈了一些自己的思考和总结。
The speech interaction mainly studies from questions, discussions to evaluation. More students like the link of asking& answering in class and hold the active attitude on the evaluation and discussions. 而多媒体课堂上的言语互动主要从提问、讨论、评价方面展开研究,较多的学生喜欢课堂提问&回答这个环节,对于回答过程中老师的评价和组织小组讨论也持积极的态度。
Knowledge gains the dominant status in class, while the development of affective, attitude and moral cultivation, which play important roles in the growth process of life, are put in an attached position. 以知识为本位,将完整生命的成长窄化为知识的增长,而情感、态度、价值观的发展处于附属地位,严重背离了教育的本真。
And through analysis, it is concluded that the weight on college students 'cognitive factors influence of volleyball class most attitude. 并通过分析其权重,得出认知因素对大学生排球课态度的影响最重。
Seven essential factors inquired into which to the science separately have key prominent in the different class, and during attention knowledge, attention science inquisition ability accomplishment raise, in view of different class characteristic seepage ability method, scientific attitude values education. 对科学探究的七要素分别在不同的课型中有重点的突出,及在关注知识的同时,注重科学探究能力素养的培养,针对不同课型的特点渗透能力方法,科学态度价值观的教育。
Then, at the end of the experiment, the researcher analyzed the post-test scores of two classes and second post questionnaire only for the experimental class to get the information on the students 'attitude toward anchored instruction and whether their interest has been increased in the experiment. 随后,实验结束时对两个班进行后测,并对实验班进行第二次问卷调查用来获取学生对于抛锚式写作教学模式的态度以及是否提高了他们的写作兴趣。
Serving for the special class, news reports show the tendency or attitude of individuals or groups toward the events by the language that it uses. 新闻报道服务于特定阶级,它所使用的语言必定带有其个人或组织倾向性。
However, in schools, due to the limited time in a class and exam-oriental teaching attitude, teachers always assign students the task of reciting new words without proper instruction. 然而在中学里,由于课堂时间有限及师生的以考试为目的的教学观念,教师通常只是给学生布置背诵单词的任务而缺乏适当的指导。
The method of error correction in language oral class, and the attitude of students toward such correction has received much attention overseas. 关于口语课堂教学过程中采用的纠错方式及师生间和学生间对纠错的态度等的问题国外早已展开调查研究。
But at the same time, through the factor analysis, concluding the influence of jiangxi university students volleyball class four main factors: the attitude of cognitive factors, emotional factors, orientation factor, power factor. 同时通过因子分析,得出影响江西省大学生排球课态度的四个主要因素:认知因素、情感因素、动力因素、导向因素。
In the field survey by the majority of students in private universities who like sports attitude, but the actual class behavior inconsistent with a positive attitude. 4. 在通过实地调查民办高校的多数的学生对体育持喜欢态度,然而实际上课行为表现与其积极的态度不相符。
The teacher also redesigns the teaching plan to the experimental class from three dimensions, such as knowledge and skill, process and method, attitude and viewpoint of value. The teacher wants to develop and improve the teaching according to the three-dimensional tasks. 对实验班从知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观三个维度出发重新设计教案,对三维教学目标下的探究式实验教学进行改进与完善。
The main research conclusions are as follows: 1. Hanoi agricultural university students interests in learning to volleyball class is not high, in the interest of knowledge, attitude and behavior of three kinds of performance, the worst is the behavior, the best is known. 主要研究结论如下:1、河内农业大学学生对排球课学习的兴趣不高,在兴趣的认识、态度和行为三种表现中,最差的是行为,最好的是认识。
When students have a class, their attitude is not correct, inactive in class, just for getting credits and so on. 学生上体育课,也只是单纯的为了修学分等目的,态度不端正,上课不积极。
Facing such changes, the song dynasty upper ruling class and the general public to Buddha and the Taoist thought attitude also have changed certainly. 面对这种变化,宋代上层统治阶级以及广大民众对佛、道两家的思想的态度也都发生了一定的变化。
Part of rural primary school of zhengzhou city of literacy class teachers, parents and students above spare time for general in table tennis attitude is neutral, support small Numbers of, largely restricted ping-pong development. 7. 郑州市部分农村小学的家长和文化课老师一般以上对学生课余时间参与乒乓球运动的态度是中立的,支持的人数不多,这很大程度上制约乒乓球的开展。
The author selected three comparison objects: class, extracurricular, degree paper, which can reflect the learning attitude of university student best. 这部分笔者选取了最能反映学生学习态度的课堂、课外、毕业论文三个方面的学习表现进行比较。
The 'white collar', for example, the middle class requires the quality of clothing, and its attitude delivered as well. That shows the idea of the middle class. 以白领女装品牌为例,中产阶层除了对服装的品质有很高的要求外,更看重服装传递的态度和概念,是中产阶层的生活方式的体现。